The U.S. Department of Commerce today published notice of the final results of the ninth administrative review of the antidumping duty (ADD) order on xanthan gum from China, covering entries between July 2021 and June 2022. GDLSK client Neimenggu Fufeng Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. (Fufeng) was assigned a final ADD rate of 2.90%, which was significantly lower than the 20.63% ADD rate assigned to the other mandatory respondent in this review. As a result of this successful representation, the ADD cash deposit rate on xanthan gum exported by Fufeng will be reduced to 2.90% from the 17.36% ADD rate previously in effect. If you have questions about this review or would like additional information, please contact GDLSK attorneys Brandon Petelin or Dharmendra Choudhary.

USTR Requests Comments on Foreign Trade Barriers and Non-Reciprocal Tariffs Imposed by Foreign Countries
In line with the President’s America First Trade Policy Memorandum and the Presidential Memorandum on Reciprocal Trade and Tariffs, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”) is now